Title: Digimon Adventure Tri. - Chapter 2: Determination
Actors: Miho Arakawa, John Eric Bentley, Johnny Yong Bosch, Robbie Daymond
Genres: Animation, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Director: Keitarô Motonaga
Writer: Akiyoshi Hongo (creator), Yuko Kakihara (composition)
Release Date: 2016-03-12
Votes: 17
Vote Average: 7.3
Summary of Digimon Adventure Tri. - Chapter 2: Determination
The DigiDestined inaugurate their newest members, Meiko Mochizuki and Meicoomon, with a trip to a nearby hot spring. Meanwhile, Joe is becoming more distant, struggling to balance his duty as a DigiDestined and the competitive world of academics. As the damage caused by Alphamon is slowly repaired, another infected Digimon, Ogremon, suddenly appears, and although they only have good intentions, the decisions the DigiDestined make now will have unforeseen consequences.
Digimon Adventure Tri. - Chapter 2: Determination - 2016 Trailer
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